Soldier and Black Dog Cuddling

“One way or another, we all have to find what best fosters the flowering of our humanity in this contemporary life, and dedicate ourselves to that.”    – Joseph Campbell

Human beings are considered to be the most sensible and intellectual creatures living on the planet. But how can we call ourselves humans while we don't possess or show humanity?

We are so desperate to live a lavish and sophisticated life that we aren't even letting other creatures to live. We are spending billions to go to Mars. But don't have enough money for those who are dying because of hunger and starvation in front of our eyes. We are referring ourselves to be human beings but we aren't being human. We are spending a tremendous amount of time and money for destruction by manufacturing lethal nuclear weapons. But we don't even spend 10% of it for nature conservation. We constantly talk about justice and still here thousands of cases on rape and murder every day, don't we?

We post on social media writing about various issues using various hashtags(#) but humanity is there, is only limited on social media for getting numbers of likes and attention. In real life, there is a vast contrast between their social media personality and their real-life persona. Only doing social work on camera and ignoring others without it has become a fashion nowadays for publicity. We should take inspiration from those heroes who work tirelessly for the benefit of others, others I mean to say not only humans but also other animals and nature.

Monk Surrounded by Children

We are so lost in our selfish needs we aren't thinking about the nature of nature conservation and even the life striving in it including our own species.
We talk of nature conservation. The question arises that is it really possible to conserve it by building factories that pollute it?
We talked about peace and humanity. Is it really possible to build or building peace and tranquility by building bombs and destructive weapons?
We talked about the termination of racism. Can we really terminate racism by symbolizing white as peace and black as bad luck?
We are always craving for justice. But are we really giving justice by killing 200 million animals per day?
We are talking about elevation or elevating hunger and poverty. But can we really end poverty by being selfish and inhuman?
Aren't these questions intimidating enough to question humanity and make ourselves to think?

There is no cure for lack of humanity unless we acknowledge who we are what the purpose of creation was and what happens after death. Respecting and helping others is the way forward in pilling up good deeds towards humanity. 

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” – Dalai Lama
Helping needy people may not change this whole world, but it could change the world of that one person fo sure.  For fostering humanity we don't need a hefty Bank account or abundance of posetions in life. All you need is a compassionate heart and willingness to serve and should tend to believe that an individual effort and contribution can really make a difference to impact lives and nature.
Soldier Giving Red Fruit on 2 Children during Daytime
pic of a soldier giving fruit to a young boy. such insignificant but warm gestures can help humanity have real meaning.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi
credit: Bijay prasai ; youtube




  1. "Jibe prem kore jei jon sei jon sebiche Iswar, bahu rupe shommukhe chari kotha kujicho Iswar?"_ Swami Vivekananda.

    1. Sotto kotha ... Not all things can be liked but respected for sure

  2. Great one .. but u also join the case of elephant killing and endanger species .. but u r killing it bro .. maybe I have 6 blogs .. of your content I really love it


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